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GEPROELEC, aware of the importance of providing services that guarantee customer satisfaction, has decided to implement a Quality Management System based on the intentional standard UNE EN-ISO 9001: 2015.


GEPROELEC's objective


The main objective is to guarantee a service that satisfies the requirements and expectations of our stakeholders.


Commitment acquired by GEPROELEC


In consistent with the exposed, GEPROELEC has approved the following Quality Policy Statement.


  • Guarantee at all times the continuous improvement of all our services, our processes, our Quality Management system and its performance.


  • Compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements.


  • The Policy appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization supported by its strategic direction.


  • It provides a frame of reference for the establishment of objectives and targets that will be quantified whenever possible.


  • For this, the Management of GEPROELEC will provide the necessary resources to carry out the Quality Management Policy.


  • Requirement to be reviewed for its continuous adaptation.


  • Availability to interested parties of the Quality Policy.


  • Consistent with the assumed responsibility, it provides the necessary resources to comply with this policy.


  • Communicated and understood throughout the organization


May 10th, 2019

Juan Gutiérrez (Director)

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Evaluación de Proveedores

INTEGRACIÓN Y GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS ELÉCTRICO, S.L.P. dispone de un sistema de gestión ISO 9001 y como requisito del sistema, les comunicamos que evaluamos y reevaluamos a nuestros Proveedores en base a los requisitos de:


- Calidad

- Plazo de entrega

- Precio

- No Conformidades generadas.

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C/ Garrotxa, 52. Pol. Ind. Pla de La Bruguera

08211 Castellar del Valles (Barcelona) - Spain

938 538 369


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